"I Missed Him..." Florence Opens Up on "Death in Paradise" Reunion with Neville

"I Missed Him..." Florence Opens Up on "Death in Paradise" Reunion with Neville

Will They or Won't They? The Neville & Florence Saga

Get ready for heart-fluttering moments on "Death in Paradise"! The latest season's finale is coming, and everyone's buzzing about whether Neville and Florence will FINALLY become a couple. Remember, Florence (played by Joséphine Jobert) left the show a while back after telling Neville she saw him as a friend. Ouch!

Florence Has Changed Her Mind (Maybe!)

But now, Jobert is dropping hints that Florence might feel differently! She said Florence was happy to see Neville again, and that she "missed him, more than she thought she would". Sounds a lot like someone might have caught feelings!

Fans Are Going Crazy

When Florence came back on the show, fans went wild on social media! Messages like "I can't believe you're back!" show how much everyone loves this potential couple.

The Big Question: What Will Happen Next?

If Florence and Neville do confess their love (fingers crossed!), the big question is:  will they stay on the island of Saint Marie, or leave together?  This could mean the end of Neville's time on the show!

What to Watch For

The "Death in Paradise" finale airs this Sunday.  Keep your eyes peeled for all the romantic hints and clues!


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Did Florence really not like Neville on "Death in Paradise"?

A: At first, yes. But it seems like her feelings might have changed!

Q: Why did Florence leave "Death in Paradise" in the first place?

A:  We don't know exactly, but the actress wanted some time to do other projects.

Q: Will this be Neville's last season of "Death in Paradise"?

A: It's possible! If he leaves with Florence, it would be a dramatic exit.

Q:  Where can I watch "Death in Paradise"?

A:  It airs on BBC One, and you might be able to stream it online too.