Is Jobert Confirmed to Return in "DI Paradise"?


Announcement of Spin-Off Series "Beyond Paradise"

The news of a spin-off series, "Beyond Paradise," has sparked excitement among fans. The new series promises to continue the investigative adventures in Saint Marie, led by DI Neville Parker. The spin-off aims to bring fresh storylines and characters while maintaining the charm of the original series. Josephine Jobert’s involvement remains a topic of speculation and anticipation.

Josephine Jobert’s Response to Fans

Josephine Jobert has always been active on social media, and her recent Instagram Story addressing fans' questions about her appearance in "Beyond Paradise" has only heightened interest. Although she hinted at the possibility, no official confirmation has been made. Her engagement with fans shows her appreciation and keeps the fan base hopeful.

Current Status of Jobert’s Involvement

As of now, Josephine Jobert’s participation in the spin-off remains unconfirmed. While she has had discussions with the production team, nothing has been finalized. This uncertainty adds a layer of intrigue to the upcoming series, leaving fans eagerly waiting for more updates.

Jobert’s Interest in Returning

Jobert has expressed her willingness to return to the series if the storyline fits. She believes that her character has more to offer, and under the right conditions, she is open to reprising her role. Potential storylines could explore deeper character development and new challenges for Florence Cassell.

Interview Insights from Digital Spy

In an interview with Digital Spy, Josephine Jobert shared her thoughts on returning to the franchise. She emphasized the importance of a compelling storyline that would justify her character’s return. Her insights provide a glimpse into what could be expected if she were to come back.

Jobert’s Previous Departure from "Death in Paradise"

Jobert’s departure from "Death in Paradise" was due to a mix of personal and professional reasons, including the demanding travel schedule and her desire for new challenges. Her exit left a noticeable gap in the series, affecting both viewership and storyline dynamics.

Future Prospects for Josephine Jobert

Beyond her role in "Death in Paradise," Jobert has several career aspirations and potential projects lined up. She is exploring opportunities that align with her interests and skills, ensuring her growth as an actress continues.


In summary, Josephine Jobert’s role in "Death in Paradise" has left a lasting impact. The possibility of her return in "Beyond Paradise" remains uncertain but highly anticipated. Fans are hopeful for her comeback, which could bring a new dimension to the spin-off series.


1. Will Josephine Jobert return to "Death in Paradise"?

As of now, her return is unconfirmed, but she has expressed interest under the right conditions.

2. What is the new spin-off series about?

"Beyond Paradise" is a spin-off that continues the adventures in Saint Marie with new characters and storylines.

3. Why did Josephine Jobert leave "Death in Paradise"?

Her departure was due to a demanding travel schedule and a desire for new professional challenges.

4. What are Josephine Jobert’s future projects?

She is exploring various opportunities that align with her interests and skills as an actress.

Explore Josephine Jobert's impact in "Death in Paradise" and her potential return in the new spin-off series "Beyond Paradise." Learn more now!