Who do we think is replacing Marlon then Death in Paradise 2024?

 Who do we think is replacing Marlon then Death in Paradise 2024?

Who's Taking Marlon's Spot on "Death in Paradise"?

Officer Marlon Pryce leaving "Death in Paradise" was a blow for fans.  We loved his energy and how he grew into his detective role. But that means there's a mystery afoot on Saint Marie - who will fill his shoes?

Why Marlon Left Saint Marie

Let's refresh our memories. Marlon didn't get murdered (whew!) but chose to leave for a great reason – to be closer to his sister after she got a cool scholarship in Jamaica. Family first, right?

Who We Thought Might Replace Him

Naturally, the internet went wild after Marlon's departure. Fans had tons of theories! Here were some popular guesses:

A totally new face: Someone fresh to shake things up!

A returning character: Maybe an old detective or someone connected to the island.

Online Buzz and Speculation

Message boards and social media were buzzing! Everyone had their favorite idea, and some were pretty convincing. It was fun to see the fandom put on their detective hats.

The Big Surprise - A Familiar Face Returns!

Turns out, the "Death in Paradise" team had a twist up their sleeve!  Instead of someone new, they brought back... Officer Dwayne Myers! Yep, Danny John-Jules is back, and fans went nuts (in a good way).

Why Dwayne is the Perfect Fit

We all love Dwayne. He's funny, a little quirky, and surprisingly sharp as a detective. Plus, his history on the island makes his return feel extra special.

What This Means for the Show?

Dwayne brings a different vibe than Marlon, but that's a good thing! It'll keep things interesting and let DI Neville Parker play off a new partner. Change can be great, and I'm so excited to see what Dwayne's return brings to the team.


Is Dwayne replacing Marlon permanently?

We don't know for sure, but it seems pretty likely!

Will we see Marlon again?

Never say never! "Death in Paradise" loves surprise cameos.

Were the fan theories right?

Not exactly, but a few fans did guess Dwayne might come back!

Is Dwayne different this time around?

Time will tell! But he's bound to be a bit more experienced now.

I miss Marlon! What should I do?

Rewatch his best episodes and be happy he left for a good reason :)

I hope this answers the question about Marlon's replacement! What's your reaction to Dwayne's return? Let me know in the comments!