Elden Ring Fans' Disappointment: "Shadow of the Erdtree" Is the Last DLC | Daily Updates
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Elden Ring Fans' Disappointment: "Shadow of the Erdtree" Is the Last DLC


The world of Elden Ring is set to expand with the upcoming release of its first DLC, "Shadow of the Erdtree." However, fans may be disheartened to learn that this expansion will mark the end of additional DLC content for the game. But fear not, as developer FromSoftware hints at the possibility of a full sequel in the future, keeping the flames of anticipation alive for fans of the acclaimed RPG series.

Shadow of the Erdtree DLC

FromSoftware, known for its rich and immersive worlds, has announced that the upcoming "Shadow of the Erdtree" DLC will be the only expansion for Elden Ring. Despite the anticipation for more content, this singular expansion promises to deliver a captivating journey into The Lands Between.

Possibility of Future Elden Ring Games

While "Shadow of the Erdtree" may bring an end to DLC expansions, fans can still hold onto hope for another full Elden Ring game. Hidetaka Miyazaki, the game director, suggests that FromSoftware's unique approach to game development leaves the door open for future projects set within the Elden Ring universe.

Bandai Namco's Statement

Back in 2022, Elden Ring publisher Bandai Namco teased that the game would be the beginning of a franchise "beyond the game itself." Although details have been scarce since then, this statement fuels speculation about potential expansions into other media forms, such as an Elden Ring anime.

FromSoftware's Future Projects

Recent reports indicate that FromSoftware is gearing up for "multiple new projects" following the success of Elden Ring and other titles. While specifics remain undisclosed, this news suggests a promising future for the developer and its beloved franchises.


As fans eagerly await the release of "Shadow of the Erdtree," the prospect of a full Elden Ring sequel keeps excitement levels high. While the current DLC marks the end of one chapter, it may pave the way for even grander adventures in the future.


Will there be any additional DLC for Elden Ring after "Shadow of the Erdtree"?

Unfortunately, no. "Shadow of the Erdtree" will be the game's only expansion.

Is there a confirmed release date for "Shadow of the Erdtree"?

Yes, the DLC is set to launch on June 21, 2022.

Are there any hints about the storyline of "Shadow of the Erdtree"?

Details remain scarce, but it promises to delve deeper into the lore of The Lands Between.

Will there be any tie-in media for Elden Ring, such as an anime or novel?

Bandai Namco hinted at expanding the franchise beyond the game itself, so other media adaptations are possible in the future.

Are there any other games set in the Elden Ring universe in development?

While not confirmed, FromSoftware's style of game development suggests the potential for future projects within the same world.

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