Mass Effect 5 fans disappointed with Jennifer Hale voice actor update | Daily Updates
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Mass Effect 5 fans disappointed with Jennifer Hale voice actor update


In the realm of gaming, few franchises hold as much reverence as BioWare’s Mass Effect series. With its captivating storytelling and immersive world-building, each installment has left an indelible mark on players worldwide. However, the anticipation for Mass Effect 5 has recently been met with disappointment, leaving fans disheartened and uncertain about the future of the beloved sci-fi RPG.

Disappointment with Mass Effect 5

Since its inception in 2007, Mass Effect has captivated audiences with its rich narrative, compelling characters, and expansive universe. With each subsequent release, fans eagerly awaited the next chapter in the saga. However, the reception of Mass Effect Andromeda in 2017 was less than stellar, plagued by numerous bugs and glitches upon launch. Despite subsequent improvements, the game's rocky start left fans wary of what would come next.

Jennifer Hale's Revelation

During an interview with Dexerto, Jennifer Hale, the voice behind ‘FemShep,’ dropped a bombshell for Mass Effect enthusiasts. She revealed that neither she nor Mark Meer, the voice of ‘MaleShep,’ had been contacted by Electronic Arts or BioWare regarding reprising their roles in Mass Effect 5. Hale expressed her eagerness to return to the franchise but admitted her lack of involvement thus far.

Fan Reaction and Response

News of Hale's absence from Mass Effect 5 sparked a wave of disappointment and concern among fans. Many took to social media to express their desire for Hale and Meer to reprise their roles and urged EA and BioWare to heed their voices. Despite the uncertainty, fans remain hopeful that their impassioned pleas will reach the ears of the developers and result in the return of the iconic Commander Shepard.


The future of Mass Effect 5 remains uncertain, with no release date or confirmed platforms announced. However, the absence of Jennifer Hale and Mark Meer has cast a shadow of doubt over the highly anticipated sequel. As fans await further updates, they continue to advocate for the return of their beloved characters and eagerly anticipate the next chapter in the Mass Effect saga.


Will Jennifer Hale and Mark Meer return for Mass Effect 5?

As of now, neither actor has been contacted by EA or BioWare regarding their involvement in Mass Effect 5.

Is Mass Effect 5 still in development?

Yes, Mass Effect 5 was announced during The Game Awards in 2020, but no release date or platforms have been confirmed yet.

What can fans do to support Jennifer Hale's return to Mass Effect 5?

Fans can voice their support on social media and reach out to EA and BioWare to express their desire for Hale and Meer's return.

Are there any hints about the storyline of Mass Effect 5?

Details about the plot of Mass Effect 5 are scarce, but the return of Liara T’Soni has sparked speculation among fans.

What impact did Mass Effect Andromeda have on the franchise?

Mass Effect Andromeda's troubled launch left fans disappointed, but subsequent updates have improved its standing among players, though the reception remains mixed.

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